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Eucalyptus in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu: Economic and Ecological Perspective

Eucalyptus in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu: Economic and Ecological Perspective

This research report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the economic and ecological impact of Eucalyptus in Kodaikanal. By evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of Eucalyptus cultivation, it seeks to inform decision-makers, policymakers, and local communities about the potential trade-offs and the need for sustainable practices to ensure the long-term well-being of both the economy and the environment in the region.

  • Faculty Mentor
    Prof. Barun Kumar Thakur
  • Group Members
    Adit Shah, Alishka Shah, Ansh Kothari, Ayush Saraf, Charu Agarwal, Namrata Karani, Neha Grandhala, Rishabh Kumar, Rishabh Sharma, Sahil Faroqi, Sanya Singhal, Shruti Baskar, Utkarsh Sharma
