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Bowled over- An Account of Women in Cricket, Mumbai

Bowled over- An Account of Women in Cricket, Mumbai

The study sought to bridge the existing knowledge gap regarding the experiences of female cricket players in Mumbai, particularly concerning hegemonic masculinity and its impact on their feminine identity. The findings and insights from this research could potentially inform interventions, policies, and initiatives aimed at fostering gender equality and empowering female athletes in the context of cricket and urban spaces in Mumbai.

  • Faculty Mentor
    Prof. Ravikant Kisana

  • Group Members
    Aditi Bamba, Adrita Majumder, Bhoomi Balwani, Chitra Nair, Lavanya Balaji, Manasa Iyer, Melwina Albuquerque, Reeva Jain, Shraavya Kanungo, Smrithi Balasubramanian, Sparsh Shah, Tanvi Saxena, Vaanya Vasudeva
