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Everyday Life at a Buddhist Monastery: An Ethnographic Exploration of Rumtek Monastery

Rumtek - the wheels of tradition

Everyday Life at a Buddhist Monastery: An Ethnographic Exploration of Rumtek Monastery

The study analyzes the history, architecture, lifestyle, socio-economic activities and cultural practices performed within the Rumtek Dharma Chakra Centre, the largest monastery in Sikkim. The livelihood and daily scheduels of monks of the monastery are observed. The magnificient architecture of the place, with its flamboyant colors and historical significance are studied.

  • Faculty Mentor
    Prof. K S Mochish
  • Group Members
    Leher Agarwal, Aditi Shukla, Forum Shah, Ravisha Sarupria, Sakshi Singh, Jayan Verma, Kartik Patel, Utsav Parekh, Bhavesh Mittal, Deepika Bansal, Yajat Shah, Ziyaa Boghani, Anuja Pujar, Parth Shah, Tarana Shah
